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נישואין ומשפחה
מתוך סוגיית ME TOO
What is Sugia
A network of active discourse and learning on contemporary issues
פרדוקס פורים
המשמעות הפרדוקסלית של פורים: בימים ההם ? או שגם "בזמן הזה"?
Regulatory dilemma and economic development
The dilemma between the importance of developing the economy and the need for regulation
Calture and politics
Does the govermant has the right to intervene in the calture?
Equal Opportunities in education
How can the gap be reduced?
Israeli marriage
Jewish VS democratic
Commerce on Shabat Public
Should public commerce be allowed on Shabat?
Mandatory Sabbaticals
Should Sabbaticals for all employees be implemented?
Aggressor or victim ?
Is an anonymous complaint of sexual harassment disqualify a politician from office
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